Nicknames are almost everywhere today. Chat, forums, comments, blogs, games and on and on..
Good nickname can be carefully chosen. This list presents different approach on choosing the right name.
Nick types:
YOURmsgHerethis guy was spotted on google image labeler. He used this name so people would understand that they have their own "advertising space" on
google image labeler "best players list". Thank to him this post is here. -chatroom nickname
this nickname is really bad. I used it to promote this blog. It was used in well connected community where people just "wanted" to visit this blog. The problem was that nickname is not hyperlink and can't be clicked. Thats why avoid using URL adress anywhere where click is not possible but use it if typing adress manualy is little thing compared to results.

should be careful if you change nick too often because people will forgot who you are. All pics and nicks i use are permanent
JohnThat name will show just that you are John and you act like that. And Johns are like that. Best to promote something.
Actimel - chatroom nickname
Actimel is small and metabolism-pro joghurt over here. This guy just liked it and used its name. Now i like it to.
So don't worry if your Samsung phone appears as "Samsung-phone" on blutooth. You are just promoting Samsung.
MeetMEat3atEntrance - bluetooth invitation
Idea:you are in building and want to make contacts or date, and use bluetooth, send files to people and they will see your nick with message. Strange approach but you can do it. You can contact people many ways. Put for example something like to give out your msn address.
wlan network names
ForzaMILAN - this was spotted as wireless network name. And it just promote italian football club.
other interesting wireless names include
linksys - default of this hardware
Free-Wireless - promote free wireless internet idea
TokyoBAR - promote some bar

Inline Marketing case studyWeb advertising for publishers