BMX Bicycle freestyle
BMX Bicycle freestyle

Friday, February 12, 2010

Led Light keeps you awake, coffee-style

Recently it's been lot of buzz in newspapers about led lights saying that their light is too white,almost blue and cause insomnia.

Isn't that coffee purpose? There are many stimulating drugs, but these will be stimulating as long as you don't take em. Once taken, body levels get used to tolerate speed, coffee, taurin, lecitin and other they do not have useful effect,..

I have tested powerful blue led lights many years before that were in use as indicators(signal light) on amp. They gave some funky light when other lights were turned off... It's the kind of cool lightness you get if you let your pc&gadgets in dark.

But now I own these white led lights, that are said to cause feeling that it is day too. Actually you can work at night with these led lights, morning sun will wake you again, and at least, you won't need to sleep more than 3 hours a day?

Welcome to the age of LED enabled always-awake people!:)

shower that use led light to wake you up

Alarm clock that wakes you with light


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