Out of nowhere, there was a spam chatbot talking to me on msn. I new instantly knew that it is not a woman, as woman I don't know never say "hi" to me on msn.
But we lead a conversation pretty succesfully whitout getting into trouble:
- when asked "how old you are.." don't answer with number as this could go directly to this advertiser database.
- when invited to webcam site, asked about skype, but I didn't get answer, and at that point I knew I was talking to artificial intelligence.
- replays are pretty fast written because bots don't use keyboards
Here is whole chat from msn:
(06:10:08 PM) Tifany:
(06:10:27 PM) sharky:
(06:10:28 PM) Tifany:
(06:10:35 PM) Tifany:
hi how are you today?
(06:10:42 PM) sharky:
(06:10:43 PM) sharky:
(06:10:53 PM) Tifany:
my name is kaylee I'm doing great today I'm 21 yrs old how old are you?
(06:11:30 PM) sharky:
few years more than you, where are you from?
(06:11:50 PM) Tifany:
listen hun, I am just about to start my webcam show with jen, come chat me there in my chat room? We can cyber, I will get naked if u do..lol!
(06:12:08 PM) sharky:
(06:12:28 PM) Tifany:
I can show u how to watch free if u promise not to tell anyone else how to do it???PLEASE:-$
(06:12:40 PM) sharky:
(06:12:45 PM) sharky:
do you have skype?
(06:13:10 PM) Tifany:
well since its free the law that u gotta be 18 (nudity involved), u have to sign up with a credit card for age verification! BUT .. Once you are inside, just clikc on "Webcams" let me know what name you use to sign in with so I know it is you babe! http://www.localchatroomchicks.com/cady fill out the bottom of the page then fill out the next page as well and u can see me live for free!

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